Where have I gone?
Where have I gone?
Menopausal symptoms often start during midlife and the fluctuating hormones can impact you physically and emotionally. For most women the psychological effects are much worse.
It may sound like an odd statement but many menopausal women will completely understand. A loss of identity; you look at yourself in the mirror yet don’t recognise the person staring back. There are similarities yes but that spark, charisma and zest for life seem to have just disappeared. What has been left is anxiety, little confidence and that over whelming sadness; wondering if you’ll ever find the “old you” again.
Menopause is a time of change and it can be a lonely time. Many women tell me they push people away. Working and personal relationships can suffer as everyone walks on egg shells and no one really understands what is happening…including you.
Don’t despair!
It is really important to understand how common this feeling is, remember it is the lack of hormones combined with life that can make you feel this way. The emotional effects in menopause aren’t discussed enough.
What to do.
Understanding that fluctuating hormones are a major cause and other factors will feed into this. If you feel your MoJo has gone, feeling low and lonely remember you aren’t alone and you will feel better again.
Talk to your partner and your children explain what the problem is, how you feel and what you’d like them to do. Ask them to listen not try and fix you. Talk to your girlfriends are they feeling the same way too? Talk to health care professionals such as nurse practitioners or your GP and ask about HRT. Improving your mental health by increasing exercise, walking in nature and having time out from your busy life really do help.
For expert professional medical advice, HRT and ongoing care by nurses who will listen please contact Diane and email enquiries@bourne2care.co.uk
However; with the right professional menopause support, often HRT and lots of support from family and friends you can start to feel better again.