
February and Valentines Day is the month of Love but it’s more complicated than that… Life, stress, children, grandchildren, work, financial difficulties , strained personal relation-ships all affect our wellbeing. During the menopause hormones fluctuate and fall and so does your Libido.

Low Libido and desire are very common during menopause.

Many women tell me their libido falls to nearly zero. However feeling sexy and having de-sire is complex to say the least! The emotional links are not to be underestimated… How valued do you feel? How repeated to you feel? Are you being Listened to? How often are you complimented on your appearance or what you’ve done?

But what about the physical symptoms caused by low hormones? If you have any vaginal dryness then having sex will be uncomfortable or impossible and what if you get a urine infection after? This would be enough to reduce anyone’s libido to zero! If this is you; you are not alone. Lots of women want to hide away, watching box sets and prefer to be eating their favourite ice-cream than be intimate with partners. Relationships can really be affected. It’s hard enough to understand what is going through our own heads so how can our partners understand us? Taking back control of your menopausal symptoms makes a huge difference.

How can you stop this cycle of not talking, having very little intimacy and pushing partners away?

The less we talk to your loved ones the less intimate we want to be.
Getting the right help.

HRT makes a huge difference to menopausal symptoms. Oestrogen in patches/gels have an overall impact to reduce your symptoms and vaginal oestrogen in creams, pessaries and tablets help replace the lost oestrogen and increase lubrication. Testosterone can really improve libido too. I have been supporting couples with relationship worries for some time, the wedge caused by menopause can be removed and replaced with understanding and ac-ceptance of the hormonal changes. By learning how to move forward and not blaming each other is the first step.

During February why not book a joint consultation? I can talk and listen to both you and your partner. I will listen to your main worries, will explain, give you both reassurances and ad-vice; especially how HRT can improve menopause symptoms including your libido and vagi-nal dryness symptoms. Or you’d like to talk to me a lone, that’s fine. Let me support you.

So let’s make February the month you want to improve your symptoms and gain better un-derstanding together.

What you can do..

Explain to your partner how you feel

Have some time alone without interruptions

Spend quality time together
