
Neurodiversity’s (ND) such as Autism, ADHD, Dyslexia etc are neurodevelopmental conditions that women are born with. Some women who’ve been diagnosed have additional support, medications and counselling to improve their health and quality of life. However, there will be many women of menopausal age who’ve never been diagnosed.

The menopause is a natural transition and affects all women differently. However, if you are ND your symptoms can be more intense, confusing and debilitating. Most ND women have learnt to cope; that is until the menopause.

Do you have or suspect you are Neurodivergent? Have you become less confident, less organised, more anxious, feeling over-whelmed and feel you aren’t coping with family and working life?

At Bourne2care we understand how the menopause impacts Neurodivergent women at work and at home. During the menopause, hormonal changes can worsen Autism/ADHD traits, reduce the effectiveness of medications and increase menopausal symptoms. Menopause and hormonal changes can be hard enough for Neurotypical women (women who aren’t Neurodivergent) but Neurodivergent women can have significant symptoms, need additional advice and support.
