
Today I booked myself a Spa Day and now I’m back home it made me realise 3 things…

  • I really needed a massage!
  • Why did I leave it so long?
  • I really need to book another one!

Of course it’s not for everyone but most people do love having a massage. I don’t know about you but even the thought of booking an appointment makes me more relaxed. So what is it about having a massage; for me it’s

“Relaxing on a comfortable massage couch, covered in warm towels and having beautifully fragranced essential oils carefully rubbed into my aching muscles”.

Sounds heavenly doesn’t it…

What you don’t know about me..

Most of you may not know but I trained in Aromatherapy massage. When I first qualified in 1991 as a Registered Nurse; Aromatherapy wasn’t popular; in fact most people had never heard of it. I was interested in how I could reduce pain and relax my patients; not just with conventional medications but with Aromatherapy oils and massage too.

My hospital manager funded my training and I provided a service on the ward I worked but also around the hospital. I mainly provided massage with lavender, geranium and almond oil to men and women before and after theatre. I found it to reduced anxiety and post operative pain. As people had IV lines in arms and hands I would give a facial massage or a foot and leg massage.

Some patients were rather sceptical saying “that won’t help me” but literally after a few minutes I could see they were starting to relax, the pain was easing.

How does massage help?

One of the reasons is that touch, helps us bond. As a nurse I’ve comforted many patients and relatives by holding their hand or holding them; massage is the same. However I found massaging a patient created a deeper connection. Not only was the patient feeling more relaxed so was I.

My patients anxiety reduced; so did mine. My patient started to relax; so did I. My patient’s breathing slowed and I found my breathing pattern changed to theirs.

I could see my patients ’pain easing and that’s such a rewarding feeling. Most patients fell asleep when they’d told me they wouldn’t and it always made me smile.

The massage created closeness and bonding with patients I but on a physiological level too. Oxytocin was flooding both our brains. Oxytocin is a hormone produced in the hypothalamus and released in part of the Pituitary gland. It’s one of our “ happy hormones”. Oxytocin is a “Bonding” hormone that makes us feel happy, close and content. And it's a 2 way thing.; if you give a massage your own Oxytocin levels increase making you feel relaxed, happy and de-stressed.

Of course massage has other bonuses especially when your body aches from poor posture. Having someone “knead” away those “knots” can be pretty amazing, especially when using essential oils. The aromas can remind you of the past or just smell wonderful. Even now when I think about lavender oil I feel relaxed; the mind works in mysterious ways! Massage helps us switch off our own stresses and worries and allows us to “loose’ ourselves; even if its just for an hour.


As Christmas is fast approaching remember to care about yourself. Book a Menopause appointment with Bourne2care. Let us help with the Menopause and a Spa Day to spoil yourself.

Merry Christmas everyone and Happy 2024.

Diane, Rachel, Helen, Lisa and Nicola.
